Anoto Functionality
Conference 2004
By John.N.Latta
Wave Issue 0424 06/25/04
May 26
Ystad, Sweden
The WAVE Report has
long been interested in the Anoto pen technology. The use of a dot
pattern on paper allows the Anoto pen to determine exactly where it
is pointing in a very large address space. This makes each sheet of
paper unique and it a major value of the Anoto technology – which
they call Anoto Functionality. We learned just before the conference
that Anoto and its partners would be talking about the status of digital
pen and paper at a level not seen before. With that the WAVE Report
was off to Ystad, Sweden.
Anoto Functionality
The conference was
located in the small town of Ystad, Sweden about 40 minutes drive from
the center of Anoto in Lund, Sweden. These towns are in the far south
of Sweden near Denmark. The conference was held at the small sea side
resort of Ystads Saltswjobad. There were 110 in attendance, exclusive
of Anoto employees.
Anoto defines partners
as those who adopt their technology and it is assumed those that sign
the license agreement. The words Anoto Functionality were everywhere.
One poster said it well:
Anoto Functionality
is all about addressing 170,005,193,383,307,227,693,056 dots.
This is an event
to allow partners to meet others, to learn more about applications
and to understand more about the developments at Anoto. The focus is
on what the technology can do in the business market and not about
other applications of Anoto technology. Analysts and press participated
in a one day program which was part of the overall conference.
Anoto Technology
The heart of the
Anoto technology is the imaging engine. As Anoto allows its partners
more freedom to create pens, there are now companies 4 making pens,
such issues as pen size and even power management are increasingly
being done by the partners. However, to date every pen has the Anoto
ASIC which is the imaging engine. This may change in the future but
for now it is the unique signature of all Anoto pens. It is also the
way that Anoto assures reliability and controls the market.
One of the major
challenges is to assure that the pen from each company works with all
the paper suppliers. As a result they have a specification for the
paper properties. In order to enable the broadest possible market it
is essential for Anoto to support a wide range of paper types – from
simple bond to plastic coated paper, for example. To better understand
the implications of this consider the following simple image chain.
Pen Detectors
Pen Optics
Paper Optical
Dot Pattern
The Anoto functionality
is the dot pattern as read by the Pen Detectors and ASIC recognition
engine. The atmosphere and paper characteristics can each distort the
patterns and lower the contrast ratio. Thus, the specification for
the paper is very important, given the many types of that can be used.
Consider the following: take the dot pattern and do an inverse transform
of those patterns back to the detector. In this transformation, the
paper specification defines the variability in the pattern which is
tolerable and still achieves Anoto functionality. One speaker stated
when there is an error in imaging the dot pattern this is like a software
bug. Another way to view this process is in a systems context where
there is a tradeoff in the dot patterns, the quality of the imaging
system, paper specification and performance of the ASIC. It is clear
that Anoto, with some 7 years of experience, has done considerable
systems engineering to achieve the performance now taken for granted.
Given the role of
Anoto paper in imaging it is also a supply chain element. To those
buying a digital pen solution the paper should not be an issue – this
is just like any other paper. This not quite the case when it was stated
the quality requirements are stringent. Another factor is paper availability
in a local market. The WAVE spoke with a company seeking to do business
in India. They need a paper company in India as imported paper will
not be cost effective. Another emerging factor is self generated paper.
HP now has a printer will make Anoto paper. In November HP announced
its own Anoto Pen.
The desire of Anoto
to leverage is technology and force the use of unique paper sheets
and unique pens may seem overblown. An analogy might be like building
pens which use IPv6, this may be an overkill but even larger if uniqueness
is applied to sheets of paper and locations on the paper. Doug Patterson,
VP at Standard Register, one of the largest forms companies, described
the requirements as:
Ability to write
on multiple documents
Ability to write repeatedly on the same document
Ability for multiple pens to write on the same document
This then mandates
the need for uniquely patterned paper.
This means not only
absolute positioning on a sheet but sheet recognition and stroke recognition
by individual pen. When asked is it not possible to have unique areas
set aside on the sheets as common areas. The problem of this is that
the pen has to “sign in” to the common areas. Thus, from
a user perspective it is far better to have on uniform interface, thus,
uniqueness everywhere on the sheet.
Anoto Business Model
The Anoto business
model is important because it defines the relationship with the partners.
Hardware Role
The company does
reference designs. The key to the design is the ASIC imaging chip(s).
Currently, in order for the design to work, every supplier has to
buy this chip from the company. Each pen has a unique address and
can be identified by Anoto. Even if the partner has their own private
address space and therefore has the technology to recognize the location
of the pen, Anoto ultimately controls the pen.
Anoto sells chips
to be used in pens made by others and thus this is one component
in the business model.
Anoto License
Anoto gets a monthly
revenue stream as a part of the license, when the pen is used as
part of a business solution. As a result pen sales are only a means
to get pens to generate monthly revenue. The “retail” revenue
stream of $29/month was cited on several occasions and it is not
clear how much of this goes to Anoto.
In the enterprise
or B2B market there are long sales cycles and many pilots. These
pilots are bets hoping that the technology is accepted. Anoto does
not charge the month royalty stream for these pilots. If the pilot
turns into a production process the royalty stream kicks in.
There are close
parallels between the Anoto BM and that associated with an embedded
OS license. The gain to the OS supplier comes when the OS is used
in products that sell millions of units. Thus, many of the pricing
models are based on low entry costs and a per unit cost based on
volume production.
Another similar
business model is RAMBUS. This has its downsides due to the high
royalties which RAMBUS extracts. Not to dissimilar from what we heard
from the attendees at the conference. The difference is that Anoto
has yet to secure the big deal such as what RAMBUS did with Intel.
An indicator of how
successful the company has been, is the number of pens sold. There
was a lot of buzz at the event about pen sales. It is unlikely that
over 100,000 pens have been sold to date. Logitech indicated that it
had, until recently, 50%+ market share.
Anoto Solution Selling
In conversations
with the attendees the most consistent comment was about Anoto’s
high costs. Central to the relevance of this cost is the ROI where
it is being used. Thus, if the pen can generate a short term ROI, most
examples cited ROIs less than a year, the pen cost is immaterial. B2B
is solution selling and if the return is great enough the cost of the
royalty stream is just one cost of its deployment and use. But if applications
are to scale to millions these costs must come down and Anoto recognizes
this. This implies lower cost pens and license fees. However, the market
is not there yet, especially when sales of 10,000 units is a large
order. And thus the pressure on lower pen costs and even smaller pens
is not there.
Anoto Vision
The largest generator
of information in the world is paper and pen/pencil.
The vision is
to connect the analog paper and pen to the digital world.
This is a very large
proposition. It means converting a percentage of the pens being sold
to digital ones. Connecting those pens to a digital infrastructure
is another challenge. Note that handwriting recognition is needed in
only a small part of this roll over based on what the digital pen is
used for. The role of the Anoto technology which allows for unique
pens and unique paper is to make possible digital identity. A massive
market demands it. Another consideration shapes the design, the implementation
and the potential for a digital pen market – the ability to scale
to billions of items with billions of actions.
Digital Pen Market Realities
The most striking
aspect of this conference was the change in focus at Anoto over the
last 2 years. The WAVE spoke with Örjan Johansson, President and
CEO. He described that the company has always been an IP company whose
business model is licensing the technology. Early on they felt that
the best way to show the technology was to do an end-to-end product.
This is where the Chatpen fit, done with Sony Ericsson. Yet, the phone
emerged when the telecom bubble burst and this died as a business.
At the same time
others were seeking to apply the technology. They were increasingly
pointing to B2B and forms as viable markets. The problem is that these
have long sales cycles. There are high stakes bets which have pilots
first, evaluations of the pilots and then a go or no go decision. There
were numerous presentations in this area.
In the Logitech presentation,
they got the message also. Logitech is a pen supplier who identified
the personal productivity market but this was a flop. Now they are
going into the enterprise market also.
But there is more.
Anoto announced a $18M sale in the last 4 months for an application
of the Anoto technology. This has not been specified but it includes
the pen and paper. However, what the buyer got was an exclusive license
for the use of the technology in that application. This is expected
to be disclosed in October. When the WAVE spoke with Orjan Johansson,
I stated that this is great for cash flow. But more importantly I asked “…is
there an intent of the company to stimulate more of this?” He
hedged. Cited was an example, I gave of the use of Anoto pens for multiplayer
board games. He smiled and knew of the application. Yet, he reiterated
that the vision of the company is in digital paper and pen.
The PC is hardly
a part of the Anoto pen applications. Certainly Logitech pushed this
but the reality was much less that expected. But more important in
the B2B space we saw several examples where the cell phone, via Bluetooth,
was used for transport. The cell phone was the WLAN interface. This
reinforced the point that Anoto’s vision is not dependent on
the PC. There is a digital back office but this is a part of the enterprise
IT function.
Anoto Overview – Örjan Johansson
Örjan defined
the company. His presentation included the following:
Anoto is a patent
and technology company. It does not have a direct channel to the
market. The company is successful through its partners which use
Anoto’s technology. We do not do pens, we do not do paper and
we only do SW as components for our partners.
The Anoto Group
AB has two business units: Anoto AB and C.Technologies. This latter
uses the technology developed for the pen in other applications.
The company has 110 employees. There are 400 patent applications
and 60 granted patents.
The business streams
of the company include:
Anoto Consumer
Products for Personal Productivity
Anoto Systems Services for Forms Processing
Anoto Technology and
C Technologies and C-Pen
The conference only
addressed the top two.
We think of a
spectrum from analog to digital when it comes to paper and individual
writing. At the low end of the stack is analog and that is paper,
scanned paper and fax. Next up is digital paper but this has not
yet been developed as a market. At the top is the Tablet PC which
creates direct digital input from the surface. This center area between
pen and paper and the table PC is the space for Digital Paper. It
is here were Anoto plays and we see a major opportunity.
We see no reason
that the world will not move to a digital pen in 5 – 10 years.
Pen and paper
is the largest single generator of information in the world.
To grasp the scope
of this consider the following:
There are 5b users
of pen and paper daily; About 400b forms used each year Paper production
is still growing but at a low rate
This creates a
big gap to be filled between the paper creation of information and
a digital infrastructure.
Why the need for
digital pen and paper? The simple fact is that all information is
going into data bases. Thus, the need for a digital pen and paper
Anoto has 150
partners and we know of 200 pilot projects on going.
This vision and
Anoto’s evolution as a company very much follows the business
cycle and Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the Chasm. In the chart Örjan
showed he put Digital Paper in the Hung Over phase of the business
cycle. It is at the bottom of the hype cycle and ready to move into
realism and hard work.
He then showed
a chart of the Gross Margins and OPEX of the company. Interesting
but it would have been better to see the cash flow.
The stock ownership
included the following:
Ericsson – 17.9%
Capital Group – 11.4%
Logitech – 10.2%
The irony of being
a leader was painted in the following way:
No one wants
to be first.
If one’s competition enters the market – being second is ok
However, being 3rd is bad and the basis not to enter a market.
Today the market
is struggling with those trying to be #1.
In the current
phase of the market putting out the word is critical. Tell success
stories, give references and help each other. One of the functions
of this conference is to do that.
Anoto Roadmap – Anders Tormod
Anders Tormod, COO,
went into more details on the company. Some highlights of his presentation
Within my responsibility
are three functions: Pen Technology, System Solutions and Sales and
Pen Technology
includes: Pen HW, Pen SW, PC SW and ASIC;
Systems Solution includes: System SW, GPLS, Anoto
Functionality and Paper & Print; and Sales and Marketing
includes: technology licensing and the partner program.
We see the following
momentum for Forms Processing;
Most successful Forms applications are “simple”
Applications for digital pen and paper include:
Network Services,
PC Network Services,
Intranet Solutions and
PC Applications
general road map was shown. The third generation of digital pen will
come out in 2004. Forms processing and Enterprise solutions will
enter the main stream of our applications in 2004 also.
New offering from
Anoto, in support of the short term roadmap, includes:
Forms Design
Kit (FDK)
Mobil Validation Kit
Upgrades to the Infrastructure – x-PLS
We will be upgrading
the architecture. This includes greater flexibility on how a partner
can implement a service. Further, we will allow for the differentiation
of the infrastructure systems, e.g., PLS’s amd simplify the
development and lower the total cost of ownership for Anoto and Partners.
The digital pen
road map includes efforts for:
Writing time and stand-by time and Functionality
It is expected
that a significant part of the Digital Pen R&D will be in software
There are four
pens on the market now. The original ChatPen introduced by Sony Ericsson
is not longer being sold. Logitech is selling the Logitech IO, Hitachi-Maxell
has a new pen for the Enterprise market and it was released Q4 2003.
HP announced their pen on November 2003. This latter product was
announced with the Forms Automation System (HP FAS). [At the conference
many asked what is HP going to do? HP had one person attending the
event but no booth and no presentation.]
Anoto announced
a simplified business model for dealing with partners. The details
were lacking.
Standard Register – Going into Digital Forms Big Time
Standard Register
used the conference to announce ExpeData its offering using the Anoto
pen. Standard Register is one of the largest form companies with annual
revenues of approximately $1b. Doug Patterson gave an energetic presentation
on its offering.
The killer application
for digital writing is business documents. Forms drive the flow of
information in companies.
A simple but informative
estimate of the digital forms was made at $55b. This received great
For digital writing
to work it must be:
Simple, Easy
and have Natural Input
This drives the need for pattered paper
Reliable wireless network
Perfectly printed unique pattern paper
Software must be open, scalable and have multiple deployment
The software must be able to be integrated into backend applications
The success with digital writing is highly dependent on hHandwriting Interpretation.
Easy to deploy
Standard Register
will have pilot programs, begin a channel program and do this internationally.
Destiny Wireless – Selling Door to Door with Pens
Destiny Wireless
in the UK has launched a pen service for Cobra, a direct sales company
in the UK. Cobra sells door to door and other face to face marketing
environments. It has launched a pilot to use the Anoto pen for sales
call logging. The stats from the early trial are impressive:
60% cost savings
and 15% increase in sales
As a result of this
Cobra has committed to a 5,000 pen order.
Malmo University – Pens as HID
Bo Peterson of Malmo
University, Malmo, Sweden described the use of the Anoto pen as a HID.
This effort was part of the EU funded ATELIER Project. It supports
tangible interaction and ubiquitous computing. Examples were shown
how pen and paper could be used to create a user interface.
Nokia Picks Up Where Sony Ericsson Dropped the Ball
Paras Chopra, Product
Manager, Nokia, came as close as any making critical comments. Some
of his points included:
In spite of the
growth in the number of applications there are still very limited
number of services/applications for a regular user.
between different paper products is still a challenge.
There is room
for improvement in the out-of-box experience.
The digital pen
and paper is still a niche product.
There are complicated
and expensive pricing models from different partners for different
Dai Nippon Printing – We Print on Anything
Dai Nippon Printing
claims it can print on anything. With annual sales of $12b it is a
large printing company headquartered in Japan. They have a very broad
view of the potential application of Anoto technology. They showed
as target markets: education, medical, department stores, transportation,
credit, insurance and the public sector.
The application shown
was to use the Anoto pen to score achievement tests given to school
students in Japan. The value is that scoring and analyzing tests is
a major teacher burden. The results of a pilot that had 20,000 subjects
taking tests on 4 subjects showed a reduction in cost of 15% and a
drop on response from 1 week to a few days. It is estimated that the
scoring market is $240m in Japan.
So far DNP has used
1,000 pens and forecasts the usage of 50,000 pens next year.
Fruits – An Anoto Applications Only Company
Fruits was established
in the Copenhagen in September 2002. It is focused exclusively on using
the Anoto pen solution. Fruits has two solutions in trial.
The application
is for the management of package delivery and reporting. For those
that have seen how UPS works in the US, this technique seems obvious.
The Anoto pen is used to follow package delivery and obtain signature
for confirmed delivery. Reporting from the Anoto pen is via Bluetooth
to the cell phone.
The pilot was
been with 80 drivers and an ROI of 10 months. This was also done
in conjunction with IBM who did the back office work.
DHL is owned by
the DP (German Post Office). If this trial is successful an opportunity
is seen for 15,000 pens in the DP.
Health Care Delivery
for Elderly
In Europe nurses
make rounds to elderly individuals in their homes. This is frequently
done on bicycles. When a nurse leaves in the morning that person
takes a pen with them. The pen is registered with that person with
a form at the exit office. When entering the home a simple form on
the back of the door is checked. If action is taken during the visit
this is recorded on a form in a binder in the home. Each entry is
recorded by transmission back on Bluetooth. Exit is also logged on
the form on the back of the door in the home.
The concept is
amazingly simple but very effective. The integration is very important
in making this work so well. The pilot is with 200 care givers and
the average savings is 1.5 hours per day of administration overhead.
Payback time is 10 months.
Logitech – Using Anoto Pens to Expand the Business
Logitech has as its
objectives from the investment in Anoto the following:
Support the success
of Anoto technology; Gain market share with Logitech pens; and Realize
profits from pen sales.
Logitech has recently
set up a stand alone business unit for the Anoto business.
Originally the
IO Pen was for the Notes business and this is the basis for the retail
product. Now the company is focused on the productivity sector where
it ties the Anoto pen to critical business applications. To support
this Logitech will have OEM Ready packages. We will announce two
partnerships around this package this summer.
Thus, Logitech has
a two part strategy: Retail and Vertical Markets.
We see these Vertical
Markets being in CRM, ERP, Document Management, Financial and Health
Care. Our initial efforts will be in CRM. A illustration of this
market are the expensive CRM packages in use in corporations and
that many of the sales force will not use them. We see the Anoto
pen as providing an opportunity to improve this.
We believe we
have the right pen for the market. That is a USB pen linked to the
PC. In 2005 we will introduce 2 new pens which combine Bluetooth
and USB.
Our CEO believes
strongly in the market for digital writing that he is putting money
behind our efforts.
To be successful
we have to look for the pain points in corporations. Right now we
believe that this is in CRM and Legal.
When asked when will
we see the <$100 pen a long discussion occurred.
Because the enterprise
market is ROI focused solution sales are not pen ASP driven. Thus,
there is not driver right now to lower the price. It is more important
to find the right applications. It is likely we will see such a pen
in 3 years.
Our pen margins
have been good at Logitech. However, we have been disappointed that
the sales have not been higher. The retail market did not live up
to expectations. However, when asked if the lack of Bluetooth was
a contributing factor the answer was no. The IO Pen was for the PC
and Bluetooth pens are for a different market.
Our sales have
been in the range of 10,000s of units. We have not sold 100,000 units.
In 2004 we expect to see the growth be at 50% to 75% and then in
2005 it will increase by 2X each year. Before the recent Maxell order
for 500,000 units we had a market share of 50% to 75%.
WAVE Comment
Irrespective of the
technology used for the digital pen, the market has not shown it is
ready to accept it. We have seen this before but the Anoto Functionality
Conference made it abundantly clear. Everyone who sees the technology
is impressed. It just does not sell. This is a source of great frustration
at Anoto. Their future depends on large increases in digital pen volume.
Many are working to accomplish this and at the conference some interesting
applications were shown.